Wednesday, April 21, 2010


It is no more any sport , not even of COLONIAL heritage. It has mute ted 0r Metamorphosed unto a cancer-growth of Exploitation and Black- Money production Device after the 'Revelation of SWISS BANK -Womb, hiding 70 Lakh crores [Rs] of deprived Indians by Sham politicians and masked Indians.
CRICKET is no more a sport but means for Rich to exploit through device and fool the 'innocent' majority for Mammonic gains
Like in Cheap' Soap-opera ', every one is looking for an top-class villain in IPL-SCAM. Ans soon they will fond an appeasing painted 'Sheep'.
But as G.B.S said long...long back; there is 'only victims of situation'.
Look and scan , and you you will find many masked and seeming saints while , now they must find some one as 'Scape-Goat' for a Drama with Exciting FINISH.
'A serious Disease , exposed, has a secret pre-clinical hidden growth' - PIBI

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