Saturday, June 12, 2010

BETRAYAL ( Satire)

That is India's misfortune or deeply hurting condition regarding India's so close Friendship with USA [lately],
While India allows her ' Headleys' & ' Andersons' , 'Free escape' to USA [ Compulsion] sometimes as often as they like[Due to conditional Limitations] , yet when India Expect EXTRADITION, sometimes , to save her face from Political on-slaught/ assault
from other Parties, USA declines such request , even for Short -Time or on Contract-Terms .

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

JAMBUDEEP & its Fables

Once upon a time there a place in Jambudeep where the administration was 'Dimocracy' and the its rulers were elected by organised forces empowered by 'votes or Notes'.
Overtime some of the leaders mastered foul Languages , taught and trained their followers by repeating it every day and many times. Gradually a novel system of DICTOCRACY was developed where - Refuge, Abuse, False- promise and threats became the Law of the Land and all previous Culture and Habits were thrown out as Rags and a New "GET-o-Cracy ' of the Land was introduced where foul languages and practices were the medium and rule. Soon the opposition forces also adapted the same Technology and even excelled their rivals ,